mercoledì 12 giugno 2013

Extract the first characters of a text.

Good morning to everybody

What I propose today is a simple function to extract the first characters of a text.
Even in this simple function we have some requirements:

  • must be extracted whole words only.
  • if the text exceeds the size you want, we have to append some points of suspension.
  • the suspension points contribute to the number of desired characters.

Here's the function:

  public string GetAbstract(string text, int maxCharacters)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return string.Empty;
            else    if (text.Length < maxCharacters)
                return text;
                string textToEsamine = text.Substring(0, maxCharacters);

                int lastSpacePosition = textToEsamine.LastIndexOf(" ", textToEsamine.Length);

                if (lastSpacePosition > 0)
                    return textToEsamine.Substring(0, lastSpacePosition) + "...";
                    /* devo troncare la parola */
                    return textToEsamine.Substring(0, maxCharacters - 3) + "...";

If we really want to esagereare we can also create an extension method for object "String".
In this way we can easily extract text from each string.

public static class Extensions
  public static string GetAbstract(this string text, int maxCharacters)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return string.Empty;
            else    if (text.Length < maxCharacters)
                return text;
                string textToEsamine = text.Substring(0, maxCharacters);

                int lastSpacePosition = textToEsamine.LastIndexOf(" ", textToEsamine.Length);

                if (lastSpacePosition > 0)
                    return textToEsamine.Substring(0, lastSpacePosition) + "...";
                    /* devo troncare la parola */
                    return textToEsamine.Substring(0, maxCharacters - 3) + "...";


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